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Parking regulations are enforced 24 hours per day, seven days per week.

Home Parking Information

Get a Permit

We offer parking permits for students, visitors, and employees. Make sure you have a parking permit to avoid getting a ticket.

No Overnight Parking

Overnight parking is not allowed (11:00 pm to 6:00 am), unless authorized by Los Rios Police Department. Vehicles left overnight will be cited.

Be Courteous

Only park in designated parking spaces – not in loading zones or walkways. Make sure your vehicle fits within the parking space lines.

Student Parking

Parking permits are required for students. Students are required to park in designated student parking spaces marked by white stall lines. Los Rios Police Department (LRPD) will enforce violations in red zones and other restricted areas, metered or timed parking, disabled parking, and violations that impede traffic or block access.

Daily Parking Permits

Daily Parking Permits

Each campus has daily parking permit machines located inside the entrances to its parking lots. Daily parking permits cost $2.

Daily Permits

Semester Parking Permits for Automobiles

Semester Parking Permits for Automobiles

Semester parking permits for automobiles are valid at all of our colleges and centers.

Semester Permits

Motorcycle Parking Permits

Motorcycle Parking Permits

Motorcycle parking permits are valid at all of our colleges and centers, so you only need to buy one per semester.

Motorcycle Permits

Disabled Parking Permits

Disabled Parking Permits

Students who need to park in a disabled parking space must display a valid daily or semester permit in addition to a disabled parking placard issued by the DMV.

Disabled Permits

Bicycle, Skateboard, Scooter, and Hoverboard Parking

Bicycle, Skateboard, Scooter, and Hoverboard Parking

Bikes, skateboards, scooters, and hoverboards may be ridden on the roads and in the parking lots for the purpose of transportation to and from the campus only.

Bikes, Skateboards, Scooters, and Hoverboards

Employee Parking

Parking permits are required for employees. Employees may park in spaces designated with the word Staff and yellow lines. Los Rios Police Department (LRPD) will enforce violations in red zones and other restricted areas, metered or timed parking, disabled parking, and violations that impede traffic or block access.

Employee Parking Permits

Employee Parking Permits

Employees can get two free parking permits. Additional permits costs $5 each. Employee parking permits are valid at all Los Rios locations.

Employee Permits

Disabled Parking Permits

Disabled Parking Permits

Students who need to park in a disabled parking space must display a valid daily or semester permit in addition to a disabled parking placard issued by the DMV.

Disabled Permits

Visitor Parking

Visitor Parking

Visitor Parking

Employees can request special visitor or volunteer permits for guests. Otherwise, visitors can park in designated 20-minute spaces or purchase a daily parking permit.

Visitor Parking

Daily Parking Permits

Daily Parking Permits

Each campus has daily parking permit machines located inside the entrances to its parking lots. Daily parking permits cost $2.

Daily Permits

Parking Rules and Ticket Information

Parking Citations

Campus police issue parking citations if parking regulations are violated. You can pay a parking citation online or by mail. You can also appeal a citation online.

Parking Citations

Appeal a Parking Citation

You can appeal a parking citation. Appeals are processed by the Citation Processing Center, not LRPD. Citations must be received within 21 calendar days from the citation issue date.

Appeal a Parking Citation

Parking Regulations

Parking rules and regulations are enforced 24 hours per day, seven days per week, and 365 days per year. See a list of common parking violations.

Parking Regulations

Assumption of Risk

In purchasing a semester or daily parking permit, you acknowledge that there is a risk of damage and/or injury (including death) to your property and/or yourself when using the parking lots of the Los Rios colleges and facilities. In exchange for purchasing a permit and parking at Los Rios, you voluntarily assume all risks associated with that activity and release Los Rios and its employees, volunteers, colleges, campuses, centers, governing board, and the individual members thereof, and all other district officers, agents, employees and volunteers from all liability for injuries (including death) and damages arising out of or in any way related to that activity.