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Home Crime and Reporting Report Sexual Assault

You may file a report of sexual assault with police or your college Title IX officer.

When you report sexual assault, you will be informed of your right to file criminal charges and given information about support services. If you were assaulted while violating a college policy or a criminal statute (such as drinking alcohol on campus), then please do not let it stop you from reporting the assault. Unless a violation is extreme, we will not discipline you.

Did the Incident Occur on or off Campus?

On-Campus Incidents

Report incidents that occurred on or near one of our campuses or centers to Los Rios Police Department (LRPD) by calling (916) 558-2221 (press zero to be immediately connected with a dispatcher).

Off-Campus Incidents

Report incidents that occurred off campus to the appropriate local law enforcement agency:

How Will Los Rios Police Department Respond?

Upon receiving a report of sexual assault, LRPD will:

  • Provide for the immediate safety needs of the reporting party
  • Discuss confidentiality
  • Depending on the complaint (and considering any request for confidentiality), report the matter to local law enforcement
  • Provide access to medical care
  • Provide referrals to mental health providers
  • Provide information about protective orders and stay away orders
  • Notify the college Student Discipline Officer (if necessary)
  • Investigate the incident

Get Confidential Support

Even if you do not want to report an incident of sexual assault to police, you can still get confidential support by contacting the WEAVE Confidential Advocate.  The confidential advocate is available for students or employees who have experienced any form of sexual harassment or violence and want support or information.

You can call the confidential advocate at (916) 568-3011 or send an email to