Call the police if you were the victim of or witnessed any type of sexual assault or rape.
Remember that it is not your fault if you are a victim of sexual assault. No one has the right to hurt you, regardless of what you say, the way you look, where you are, or who you are with. No one has the right to force you into sexual acts – even if you had any sort of sexual interaction with them in the past.
Go to the Hospital
Seek immediate medical attention, preferably at an emergency room. If possible, bring a trusted friend, adult, or victim advocate with you. Medical personnel can perform a rape kit exam, where they examine you for injuries and gather physical evidence that may help in prosecution. It is important to not shower, change clothes, or clean up in any way before going to the hospital, so as not to disturb any evidence.
Even if you don’t want to report the assault to police right now, it is still important to have a medical exam. In addition to treating injuries, medical personnel can test for pregnancy or whether or not you were drugged. They can also give you medication to reduce your chances of contracting a sexually transmitted infection (STI) or getting pregnant.
File a Report
It is your choice whether or not to file a police report. If you want to file a report, then contact Los Rios Police Department or your college Title IX officer.
Get Confidential Support
Even if you do not want to report an incident of sexual assault to police, you can still get confidential support by contacting the WEAVE Confidential Advocate. The confidential advocate is available for students or employees who have experienced any form of sexual harassment or violence and want support or information.
You can call the confidential advocate at (916) 568-3011 or send an email to
Call district police at (916) 558-2221 and press zero to reach a dispatcher.