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Home Emergencies Training and Safety

Safety is Our Priority

It is the job of Los Rios Police Department (LRPD) to protect our students, employees, and visitors – but campus safety is still a shared responsibility!

If you see or hear something unusual or suspicious, call the police at (916) 558-2221. By taking this shared responsibility seriously, we all help create a safe environment that fosters teaching and learning.

Active Shooter Presentation

General Safety Tips

Travel Tips

  • Stay alert to your surroundings
  • Keep high value items out of sight and avoid carrying unnecessary items
  • Travel with another person if possible
  • Park and walk in well lit areas at night
  • Know where you are going and walk quickly and confidently to your destination
  • Hold your belongings close to your body
  • Have your keys ready before you approach your vehicle
  • Check the front and rear seats of your vehicle before entering
  • Lock the door immediately after you get into your vehicle

Bike Tips

  • Always lock your bicycle to a fixed metal bike rack
  • Preferably use a metal U-lock to secure your bike
  • Take any quick-release parts that cannot be secured with you
  • Photograph your bike and record the serial number
  • Register your bicycle with the police

Safety Training for Employees

LRPD offers regular public safety training. Employees can use release time to participate in safety training.

If you have a suggestion for a training topic, then please contact us.